Museum "Sources" virtual museum "GUO Loykava Secondary School"
Traveling in the Lojkava region
Кожны, хто цікавіцца Гродзеншчынай, павінен абавязкова наведаць цудоўны Лойкаўскі край. Тут вы пазнаёміцеся з гісторыяй вёскі, са звычаямі і традыцыямі жыхароў, захопіцеся прыродай жывапісных мясцін.
Працягласць экскурсіі - 1 гадзіна. Адказны экскурсавод Раманчук Люцына Чаславаўна (тэлефон 8 (029) 856-85-54).
Everyone who is interested in the Grodno region should definitely visit the magnificent Loykavsky region. Here you will get acquainted with the history of the village, with the customs and traditions of the inhabitants, and the nature of picturesque places will be taken aback.
Our excursion begins with an acquaintance with the church of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Zarechanka (formerly Balya Kostelna). The church was built in 1937 in the post-Agagata style and is the hallmark of the village.
Further, the travel route leads to the village of Loiko, where there is a ritual monument. The history of this monument amaze everyone. Another interesting architectural monument in this village is the commune building, which is built in the style of Polish Art Nouveau. During the Great Patriotic War, the German commandant's office was located in the building. Later - a school, then an outpatient clinic and a pharmacy. This is one of the four communes that remained on the territory of the BSSR.
Our journey continues through the village of White Bogs, where you will learn about the history of the farmsteads of the Sobolevsky and Tukala families. Stroll through the park, which was once famous for its exotic plants.
The next stop is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Selivanovka. The church was built in 1899 in the style of neoclassicism. The construction of the church of investoralvale Mrs. Sobolevskaya. The church is included in the State list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus.